Regarding preventive measures to control the transmission of Covid-19.
Circular:The following instructions are circulated to all the Government / Semi-Government / Board / Corporation officers / employees on duty in the State as a precautionary measure against the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) as part of precautionary measures against the transmission of Covid-19.
The following orders apply to the personnel / officers directly involved in controlling the infection of Novel Corona virus Covid-19 as well as the departments / offices associated with essential / urgent services such as the Department of Health and Family Welfare as well as their affiliated offices, Food and Civil Supplies Department and their affiliated offices. Collectorate, Disaster Management Offices, Panchayats, Municipalities, Corporations (Employees / Officers involved in essential / immediate operations), Gas, Electricity Distribution Companies, Water Supply Offices, Police System, Homeguards, Citizens Attendance notices will not apply to offices.
In order to control the transmission of Novel Coro virus Covid-19 by the State Government, following instructions are given in the public interest to keep Government Offices with 30% staff from 15/04/2021 to 30/04/2021: -
Arrangements should be made to ensure that up to 60% of the staff / officers are present in the offices of the heads of administrative departments and departments of the State Government, semi-government offices, boards / corporations. Other officers / employees will have to work from home and be available on mobile phone and e-mail. However, all the necessary staff should be present so that there is no hindrance in the delivery of public service.
All government offices will be closed on all Saturdays and Sundays till 30/04/2021.
It has to be seen that social distance is maintained in every workplace in relation to the presence of employees / officers in the office.
In order to prevent the transmission of the novel Coro virus Covid-19, face-to-face meetings, meetings, etc. of the officers should be avoided and the video conferencing facility should be used as much as possible.
Considering the transmission of Covid-19 virus of Novel Coro, maximum correspondence can be done on government e-mail, arrangements have to be made by the survey department accordingly.
Read Paripatra (30/04/2021) : Click HereRead Paripatra (15/04/2021) : Click Here
Read Paripatra (15/04/2021) : Click Here
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