Nidan Kasoti Std 3 to 8 First Semester 2020-2021


Regarding the planning of diagnostic test to check "Learning Loss" in all subjects from Std. 3 to 8 Of the first semester of the year 2020-21.

S.O.P. of the Central Government and the State Government for resumption of activities which were halted following the lockdown measures to control the covid-19 epidemic. As per the guidelines, for the classes of Std. 6 to 8 in all the board's primary schools in the state. Direct teaching work was resumed from 18/02/2021. During the first semester of the year 2020-21, the students have studied through various methods of home learning instead of school. Now when std. When the actual educational work has started in 6th to 8th, in order to check the "Learning Loss" in all the subjects of Std. 6th to 8th of the first semester, if the academic work and therapeutic work is done in the school based on the diagnostic test, then the fixed learning outcomes will be better. In view of this, the Government has decided to evaluate the students studying in all the medium government, aided and unaided primary schools of the state with the same question papers.The program of this diagnostic test is as follows.

Important instructions for the first semester of the year 2020-21 for the diagnostic test of Std. 6 to 8:

  1. Every teacher should check the answer scripts of this test as soon as possible so that the remedial work can start immediately.
  2. The subject related to the test is to be checked by the teacher. Testing and monitoring of the test is to be done at the school level only.
  3. Even in shift schools. Tests of all academic subjects from 3rd to 8th will have to be taken as per the above schedule.
  4. Government primary schools will have to take tests of all academic subjects.
  5. The question papers of this test are CRC Co-ord. Will be given through.
  6. The main diagnostic test should be planned as per the periodic test. Test question papers will be sent in softcopy. Photocopies of each student will have to be arranged from the school level as well as answer books, maps and graphs will have to be arranged from the school level. Expenditure on this arrangement will be borne by the school composite grant.
  7. Test of Gujarati (first language), Mathematics, Science, Social Science (Environment) subjects in the subsidized and self-reliant primary schools as per the above schedule which will be conducted at that time and date from here. Must be taken from the question paper given through. While all other subjects can be tested voluntarily.
  8. Considering the current Covid-19 epidemic, Std. Students from 6th to 8th will not be forced to attend. Students who are absent in the test will have to deliver the question papers and answer books to their home immediately after the completion of the test. Must be recovered by 30/03/2021. Std. The school does not have to call all the students from 3rd to 5th for the test but they have to deliver the question papers at home.
  9. Std. Students from 3rd to 5th have to deliver the question papers of all the subjects simultaneously to their homes during March 15-16, 2021 and get them back on 23/3/21.
  10. Std. In 3rd and 4th subjects students have to write the answers in the question papers only.
  11. Students have to write answers in a separate answer book in all the subjects from std. 5 to 8. Students will have to write the answers with a ball pen with black / blue ink. Pencil cannot be used to write answers.
  12. No teacher's leave shall be granted during the probationary period except for compelling reasons.
  13. The school principal and taluka primary education officer will have to ensure that the entire test is conducted in a neutral, effective and regulatory manner.
  14. The instructions and changes made from time to time by the Government regarding the planning of the said test should be taken into consideration and the guidelines of covid-19 of the Government should be strictly followed.
  15. The result of this test is to enter the online data and then to limit the scanning process time on the SARAL DATA app. There should be a scanning table according to the specified size and specification for scanning on SARAL DATA app. For this a sample of the scanning table is included and sent. According to the school std. This arrangement has to be made at the school level as per the requirement of such sheet (scanning table) according to the number of subjects of those standards according to the number of students from 3 to 8. For this a separate grant will be allotted to the school from SSA according to the number of sheets as per the data received from CCC.
  16. The numbers in this sheet should be written in English in clean letters. Student ID If you want to write in seven digits, you have to write seven digits from the right side. The student has to write the marks obtained in that question in double digits, if he has got 4 (four) marks in any question then he has to write 04. Only black / blue ink ballpen should be used in this sheet. BRC Co. Ordnance in this regard. With Shri. On 15/03/2021 at 3.30 pm V.C. Detailed understanding and instruction will be given in The V.C. Link to it Will be sent by 12.00 hours on the same day.
Read Paripatra (12-3-21) : Click Here

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